24 March 2009

our very first GOTCHA DAY!

i can't believe one year ago today we held stella for the very first time. i can't believe it's been a year, yet i can't believe she hasn't always been with us. she is the very best thing that has ever happened to me. the very best thing that has ever happened to us. i think i could cry at the drop of a hat at any given moment this entire week. i can't imagine my life without her and would never go back. i wouldn't change one. single. thing. all the heartache, all the pain, all the agony. all of it brought me to her and she is everything. nothing i could type could ever capture my exact feelings about this day. we are so grateful to be stella's parents. things are exactly as they should be. i'll just leave it at that and get to the good stuff . . .

mommy and daddy both took the day off to spend as a family. we started our day with a lazy morning in bed. all 3 of us watching cartoons in and out of a sleepy daze. smiling and knowing what today was. we had breakfast at home and got ready for stella's first trip to the zoo! it was really chilly this morning and our trip was cut very short because it poured down rain! i didn't get many pictures at the zoo because we were running around so that she could see as many animals as possible before the bottom fell out!

this is stella's first view of the "monkmees" as she calls them :)

she LOVES those monkmees!

stella and daddy watching a peacock! i wish i would've gotten a picture of her face when she stood right next to one. hilarious. she froze and just stood there with her forehead all wrinkled up and her mouth wide open!!! too funny :)

after the zoo we had lunch, then stella and daddy took a cozy nap together :) it was a perfect thunder-stormy afternoon for a nap!

after naptime, stella had art-time. she LOVES to color :) and of COURSE she needed to wear her tutu for that!

concentrating VERY hard!

this was our VERY FIRST family photo - taken in guatemala on 3/24/08.

we decided we needed a ceremonial photo to commemorate today - 3/24/09.


Stacie said...

Happy one year!
I can't believe how fast it has went...Stella has grown so much and looks so happy. Maysa loves to color and paint, and Danilo will have nothing to do with it.
Glad you had a fun day celebrating!

Happy "Gotcha Day!"

Anonymous said...

Oh wow- you got a leftie- and who wouldn't know that she would be artsy like her mommy and daddy- it runs in the FAMiLY!
I love your new we are family photo- she is cheezing it up!
Oh Happy Day! Happy Glorious Gotcha Day!!!
WE love you Nat- Michael and Stella
(meg too)! poor meg didnt make that family photo....
Chi, Bert and Carley

Anonymous said...

Nat, I am crying right now reading this! I love your commemorative photo of one year later. I've loved watching the three of you grow as a family. You are amazing parents, and Stella is...absolutely wonderful.

Much love to you,

The Mohrmanns said...

Tears...lots of them! But a HUGE smile on my face too! You have the CUTEST little munchkin. EVER. She is so lucky to have you and Michael as her parents. You are a fabulous mother...just look at her smile. That says it all. Happy Gotcha Day Stella! Your STL boys are loving you from afar and wish they could come celebrate your birthday #2 with you! Lots of love from ALL of the Mohrmanns, Kara, G, Henry, & Ben

Kyle and Amanda said...

LOVE THIS! You are such a CUTE family! Congrats on 1 year!!!

jilli said...

I am so very proud of you. What a beautiful family you have. A year...in a blink of an eye! I absolutely detest that I can't spend each and every moment and milestone with you there in MO but having your blog to experience your joy and celebrate Stella's life has made it a little more bearable to be away. We love you! Congrats on your 1st Gotcha Day...you really made it special for your baby girl. aunt jilli, uncle jer + marianne