25 November 2008


i have had 2 encounters in the last week or so when people have made comments about how strong a bond is with a birth child. i find comments such as this odd.

michael and i have had a rough road to parenthood. it was hard and trying and exhausting and all of the above. but we made it. and we plan to have more children. i only bring all of this up because, since bringing stella home, this is the first time a baby comment has really 'gotten to me'.

did these people mean to suggest that we don't have a stong bond with our child because she is adopted? i actually just got up and left the room on both occasions. i haven't been able to shake these thoughts since then.

it makes me want to scream at them and lash out "YES WE DO YOU MORON" . . . but the truth is, i don't know. unfortunately, we won't ever really know. i read lots of blogs of people who have both biological children and adopted children and it never appears that there is a difference. however, the people who make these comments are always the ones who ONLY have biological children. at least in my experience so far. i actually don't ever really think about the fact that stella is adopted anymore. she is just ours. period.

she is perfect and beautiful and ALL OURS.

i feel better now. thanks for listening.


The Mohrmanns said...

She is yours...always has been. Do I need to punch someone?!?! You & Micheal have a beautiful, perfect, daughter and you have a great bond with her. It doesn't matter that she is adopted, what matters is that she is YOUR daughter. PERIOD...like you said! Happy Turkey Day. H & B sent Stella a card. Take care!

Telissa said...

Morons and beyond. You have a bond like no other - one that only you and Stella can have. Forget when it started, because it never ends. I and every adoptive parent will back that up 100%. you are never alone in this journey. we all get "it!"

jilli said...

Personally, I think your bond might possibly be STRONGER...because your fight for her was HARDER and LONGER! Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to comprehend the struggles you've gone through to make your beautiful family a reality! OxOx