26 April 2009

we took a family trip to Denver to see baby marianne april 22 - 25. she is only a few weeks old and is so tiny and sweet! stella wasn't really jealous as much as she just pretended marianne wasn't there. we tried to get her to hold her so we could take a picture and she was NOT having it! it was fun to be a small part of welcoming marianne and get to snuggle her and love her while she is so tiny - and it was nice to be able to give my jilli a hand. as always the trip felt too short, but i'm sure jill and jerry were ready for the screaming 2 yr old to be gone :) even though they love her very much.

momma and baby

stella and aunt jilli

stella being extra excited trying to run away from daddy after brunch on sunday

all 3 of us after brunch on sunday

stella kissing marianne bye

we are so glad we were able to come visit. can't wait to see you 3 soon (we hope). we love you!

1 comment:

jilli said...

we LOVED having ALL three of you. i wish the girls could see each other more often...and Stella and Marianne too! i'll be waiting for the email with your next flight itinerary.