03 September 2009


this morning, stella told daddy she had to pee pee. then, she went to the potty and pee pee'd!!! i can't believe it!!! so far she has always seemed interested in the potty and she loves to sit on hers, but the only 2 times she has actually gone we think it was an accident. this was the first time ON PURPOSE!!! i see potty training in our near future...........i'm terrified.


CAW said...

oh that is big news it certainly deserves a post.
Potty Like a Rock Star

Stacie said...

Go Stella!

Maysa goes about 50/50 I have to admit it's hard for me to give up the baby stage so soon!

jilli said...

I am SO PROUD of her! Don't be terrified...just think, soon enough you won't be doing diapers anymore. (at least not for this one). xo