22 May 2007


i just got back last night from Denver. went to see my Jilli. we had grand plans of running in the half marathon on colfax ave . . . but with Jill's knee and my blisters it just didn't work out this year. however, we did get lots accomplished. shopping for items for Jill's wedding in September. i miss her so much! we lived together all through college and haven't lived in the same state since, but she is still my other half. we can still finish each others sentences and sometimes know what the other is thinking. we are wierd, what can I say. it's funny how i miss the little things the most . . . like just having lunch together or going for a run or watching a movie . . . i want Stella to know her and love her like i do. guess we'll be traveling alot.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Jilli sounds like a great friend. I'm sure she will be an awesome support to you through this adoption journey.