11 January 2008


finally. i heard from our agency today. they did confirm that cases already in pgn are continuing to be processed. the problem (with needing to register with the central authority) will come if we get kicked out again. i still feel the same way as yesterday. blah. it doesn't even feel real anymore. i still feel completely defeated. maybe i just need a weekend for it to wear off. i dunno. we are still working on our 'project list' though. just in case we really do become actual parents in the next few months. i just want to reiterate how WRONG this entire thing is. there is NOTHING positive about this situation (in my mind) and right now, if ANYONE tries to make this into a positive thing i seriously might punch them. although i DO love to hear that once we bring her home none of this will matter - so thank you to Sarah who commented yesterday. i've heard this before, but it was a lovely reminder. ok, must work now. it's been a difficult week for me, but i still can't get stella out of my mind. she is in my every thought. and THAT is how it is supposed to be. the only difference is that she should be in my every thought because she is what i am looking at. right in front of me.


The Mohrmanns said...

Dear Guy who is in charge of adoptions in Guatemala,
SEND MY FRIEND STELLA MARDIS HOME NOW!!!!!!!! Or else you will have to mess with me! Her Mommy & Daddy love her and need her NOW! Do you hear me mister?!?! Get her home, please, pretty please!
Stella's friend who loves her,
PS...I am 2 now and can throw terrible tantrums, so watch out.

Jenn said...

I'm sorry you have been feeling so frustrated! Just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone.